Faculty Staff Associations

FSA Creation Process

Process for Establishing a New Faculty Staff Association (FSA)

Starting a new Faculty and Staff Association (FSA) at Cal Poly involves several steps to ensure that the association represents the issues and needs of the identified community and aligns with the mission, vision, and values of the Office of University Diversity and Inclusion (OUDI). Below is a detailed process/protocol designed to guide you through establishing a new association:

1. Proposal Development

  • Identify Purpose and Need: Define the purpose of the association, its targeted membership, goals, and how it will benefit the community it works to represent and the Cal Poly community at large.
  • Draft a Mission Statement: This should succinctly outline the association's core mission and the outcomes it seeks to achieve.
  • Recruit Initial Members: Identify and recruit a group of founding members who share a common interest in the association's mission.

2. Gathering Support

  • Consultation: Engage with OUDI, as well as faculty, staff, and any relevant stakeholders to gather support, feedback, and input on the proposed association.
  • Endorsement: Seek endorsement from an existing recognized department or division to serve as sponsor for the FSA. This is essential in the FSA’s ability to establish a Cal Poly Partners account. Note: The Endorser does not have any voting power within the FSA.

3. Drafting Governing Documents

  • Bylaws and Constitution: Draft bylaws that outline the association's governance structure, membership criteria, membership dues, officer roles, election procedures, meeting schedules, and decision-making processes.
  • Compliance: Ensure that the governing documents comply with university policies and regulations.

4. University Approval

  • Submission to University Governance: Submit the proposal, along with the draft constitution and bylaws, to OUDI for review and approval.
  • Address Feedback: Be prepared to revise the documents based on feedback from the review process.

5. Formal Registration

  • Office of University Diversity and Inclusion: Once approved, OUDI will formally register the association with HR and all FSA related websites and pages.

6. Funding and Resources

  • OUDI funding: OUDI holds a budget line for FSA’s to assist in supporting events, programming, etc. The line can support up to $500 annually per FSA. Additional funds may be available through other OUDI budget lines (DEI enrichment funds, speaker funds, special initiatives, etc.).
  • Membership dues and fees: FSA’s may ask members to volunteer to pay annual dues in support of the group’s efforts. In addition, an FSA can identify ongoing initiatives or programs they wish to fund (cultural commencements, welcome gifts to students, annual community gatherings, etc.) that they request their members and supports to donate to the FSA in support of.
  • Fundraising: FSA’s may fundraise and accept donations in accordance with university policy https://clubs.calpoly.edu/fundraising (including policies around managing accounts and use of funds).

7. Launch and Recruitment

  • Official Launch: Organize an official launch event to announce the formation of the association, its mission, and how individuals can get involved.
    • Examples include- Making an announcement at New Employee Orientation or hosting a welcome mixer.
  • Membership Recruitment: All subsequent meetings and recruitment are established by FSA leadership.

8. Ongoing Operations

  • Regular Meetings: FSA leadership is responsible for holding and guiding regular meetings to discuss issues, plan events, and engage with members.
By following these steps, new Faculty and Staff Associations can establish a solid foundation, gain recognition, and start making a meaningful impact for our faculty and staff at Cal Poly. The success of the association will depend on clear communication, active engagement, and ongoing collaboration

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